Wednesday, March 21, 2007

20 March 2007

Today.. 20 March 2007

i meet Liyan at 10am.. because. she join in for jogging n gym =)
i jog around 7 round maybe today nt our day we very lazy.. haha

we abt 12pm sign out of the gym...
she is in the rush.. she going bugis then go for her bike thing..

as for me.. i go back hme..!

around 3++ i meet esmond n xinrong at bishan last cabin.. we went town together.. beacuse i very long did nt go down le.. kee

after all.. we watch the movie 300.. i give 4 star out of 5 star..
damm nice hehe...

after e show.. it about 9++pm le... we went back yishun.. go northpoint settle our dinner .. n went hme.. hee..

short n simple..

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